1. This is Unit 4, of learning Cook Island Maori. Listen to this Conversation:
  2. Po manea e maine, pee aua koe?
  3. E maine , kua marama koe?
  4. No Nu Tireni mai au, inara ka marama au I te tuatua maori , kare e maata ana taku ka marama.
  5. Ko Papa Jones toku ingoa, no Palmerston North mai au.
  6. Kua marama koe?
  7. Kare, kare au I marama, no Akarana mai au I Nu Tireni, ka kite e papa.
  8. Po manea e maine.
  9. You will notice in this conversation that the man uses the word…But…which is
  10. Inara…
  11. Listen to the conversation again.
  12. Po manea e maine, pee aua koe?
  13. E maine , kua marama koe?
  14. No Nu Tireni mai au, inara ka marama au I te tuatua maori , kare e maata ana taku ka marama.
  15. Ko Papa Jones toku ingoa, no Palmerston North mai au.
  16. Kua marama koe?
  17. Kare, kare au I marama, no Akarana mai au I Nu Tireni, ka kite e papa.
  18. Po manea e maine.
  19. Do you remember how to say…I’m a New Zealander
  20. E tangata Nu Tireni au
  21. Say…Good evening…
  22. Aiai manea….
  23. Say… Good afternoon…
  24. Avatea manea…
  25. Ask him… Are you a New Zealander …
  26. E tangata Nu Tireni koe?...
  27. Yes, I am a New Zealander…
  28. Ae e tangata Nu Tireni au…
  29. Ask…From where in New Zealand…
  30. Noea mai I Nu Tireni?...
  31. Where are you from?...
  32. Noea mai koe?...Noea mai koe?...
  33. From Auckland…
  34. No Akarana...
  35. From Auckland…
  36. No Akarana...
  37. And you?...
  38. Akapeea koe?...
  39. And you?...
  40. Akapeea koe?...
  41. Where are you from?…
  42. Noea mai koe?...
  43. I am from Christchurch…
  44. No Christchurch mai au…
  45. Good morning…
  46. Popongi manea…
  47. Good afternoon
  48. Avatea manea…
  49. Where are you from...
  50. Noea mai koe?...
  51. From New Zealand…
  52. No Nu Tireni mai au…
  53. How are you…
  54. Peea ua koe?...
  55. Very well thanks
  56. Meitaki maata…
  57. Do you speak Maori…
  58. Ka kite koe i te tuatua Maori?...
  59. Yes, I speak Maori…
  60. Ae, Ka kite au i te tuatua Maori….
  61. I speak English and maori…
  62. Ka kite au i te tuatua Papaa ete tuatua Maori...
  63. Ahhh I understand…
  64. Ahh, Kua marama au…
  65. I am from New Zealand…
  66. No Nu Tireni mai au…
  67. listen and repeat the word. Glad to meet you…
  68. reka te aravei iakoe… reka te aravei iakoe…
  69. say Glad…
  70. reka…reka…
  71. say, to meet you…
  72. te aravei iakoa… te aravei iakoe
  73. say glad to meet you,...
  74. reka te aravei iakoe
  75. Good morning Sir…
  76. Popongi manea e Papa….
  77. Glad to meet you Miss…
  78. reka i te aravei iakoe e maine...
  79. How are you?
  80. peea ua koe?
  81. Now instead of saying How are you, try to ask… where are you
  82. …Teiea koe?...Teiea koe?...
  83. Ask again…Where are you…
  84. Teiea koe?...
  85. Now and repeat the word…Hotel…in maori
  86. Otera...Otera….
  87. Ask again…Where are you…
  88. Teiea koe?...
  89. Try to ask…Where is the hotel…
  90. Tiea te otera?...tiea te otera?
  91. Say glad to meet you…
  92. reka i te aravei iakoe
  93. Ask… Where is the Hotel …
  94. Tiea te Otera?....
  95. It’s here…
  96. Teia i konei
  97. It’s here…
  98. Teia i konei
  99. Try to say it is here…
  100. Teia i konei…
  101. Ask… Is it here…
  102. Ti ko nei?...Ti konei?...
  103. Where is it?..
  104. Tiea?
  105. Where is it?..
  106. Tiea?
  107. Where is the hotel…
  108. Tiea te Otera?...
  109. Answer…It is here…
  110. Teia i konei
  111. Ahh very good…
  112. Ahh meitaki maata..
  113. Glad to meet you…
  114. Reka i te aravei iakoe
  115. Ask …Where's the EdgeWater Hotel …
  116. Tiea te Otera kote EdgeWater?
  117. Listen and repeat the word...Restaurant…
  118. Are kai..
  119. Restaurant…
  120. Are kai..
  121. Ask for the restaurant…
  122. Tiea te Are kai?
  123. It’s… here…
  124. Teia i konei
  125. It’s here…
  126. Teia i konei
  127. here
  128. konei
  129. here
  130. konei
  131. The restaurant is here…
  132. Tei konei te Are kai.
  133. It's over there...Listen and repeat…Over there…
  134. Te ra i ko
  135. over there.
  136. Te ra i ko
  137. Say it's there…
  138. Tei ko...Tei ko.
  139. It’s not here…
  140. Kare i konei...
  141. It’s not here…
  142. Kare i konei...
  143. It’s over there…
  144. Te ra i ko.
  145. Ask where the hotel is…
  146. Teiea te Otera?
  147. Say...And the restaurant…
  148. E te Are kai?
  149. Is it over there?...
  150. Tei ko rai?...Teiko rai?
  151. No Sir, it’s over here…
  152. Kare e papa...Teia i konei.
  153. Glad to meet you Miss…
  154. Reka i te aravei iakoe e Maine.
  155. Glad to know you Sir…
  156. Reka i te kite iakoe e Papa
  157. Ask the man if he is a New Zealander…
  158. E tangata Nu Tireni ainei koe?
  159. Yes I am a New Zealander…
  160. Ae, e tangata Nu Tirene au.
  161. Where is the hotel Edge Water…
  162. Teiea te Otera Edge Water?
  163. It’s over there …
  164. Te ra i ko.
  165. Ask...Are you from Auckland…
  166. No Akarana mai koe?
  167. No, I'm from Wellington…
  168. Kare no Wellington mai au.
  169. Where is the hotel…
  170. Teiea te Otera?
  171. The Hotel EdgeWater…
  172. Ko te Otera Edge Water.
  173. Is the hotel here?…
  174. Ti konei te Otera?...
  175. and the restaurant?
  176. ...E te Are kai?
  177. Is it here?...
  178. Ti konei?
  179. No, it’s not here…
  180. Kare, kare i konei.
  181. It’s over there…
  182. Te ra i ko
  183. Where are you from?...
  184. Noea mai koe?...
  185. I’m from Mauke…
  186. No Mauke mai au.
  187. And you…
  188. Akapeea koe?
  189. I’m a New Zealander…
  190. E tangata Nu Tireni au.
  191. Good afternoon…
  192. Avatea manea...
  193. Glad to meet you Sir…
  194. Reka i te aravei iakoe e Papa.
  195. I’m Mrs Ake…
  196. Ko Ake vaine au.
  197. I’m Mauken…
  198. E Mauke oki au.
  199. How does he respond to her introduction?
  200. Glad to meet you Madam…
  201. Reka i te aravei iakoe e Ma.
  202. I’m Mr Jones…
  203. Ko Jones Tane au.
  204. Goodbye madam..
  205. Noo ake e Ma.
  206. Do you remember how to say ...Excuse me Miss…
  207. Akakoromaki mai e maine.
  208. Good afternoon sir…
  209. Avatea manea e papa
  210. How are you…
  211. Peea ua koe?
  212. Very well thanks…
  213. Meitaki maata.
  214. And you…
  215. Akapeea koe?
  216. Not very well…
  217. Kare e meitaki roa ana.
  218. I don't understand Maori…
  219. Kare au e marama i te reo Maori
  220. You speak Maori very well…
  221. Te meitaki ua ara taau tuatua Maori .
  222. I don’t speak…
  223. Kare au e tuatua ana.
  224. I don’t understand …
  225. Kare au e marama. ana.
  226. I don’t speak and I don’t understand…
  227. Kare au e tuatua ana, e kare katoa au e marama ana.
  228. Yes Miss….
  229. Ae e Maine.
  230. Yes...yes miss…
  231. Ae, ae e Maine
  232. Where are you from…From New Zealand…
  233. Noea mai koe?
  234. I’m from Atiu…
  235. No Atiu mai au.
  236. I’m not Maukean…
  237. Kare au i te Mauke
  238. Miss, where is the Sunrise hotel…
  239. Maine, tiea te Otera Sunrise?
  240. It's down there sir…
  241. Tera i raro i ko e Pa.
  242. And the restaurant Anua…
  243. E te Anua Are Kai?
  244. It’s here….
  245. Teia i konei.
  246. Thank you, miss…
  247. Meitaki e maine.
  248. Say...I’m Mr Jones…
  249. Ko Jones tane au.
  250. Glad to meet you Sir…
  251. Reka i te aravei iakoe e Pa
  252. And you…
  253. Akapeea koe?
  254. Are you Miss Terii?...
  255. Ko maine Terii koe?
  256. No sir…
  257. Kare e Pa.
  258. I’m not Miss …
  259. Kare ko maine
  260. I’m Mrs Terii…
  261. Ko Terii vaine au
  262. Goodbye Sir…
  263. Aere ra e papa.
  264. Goodbye Mrs Terii…
  265. Noo ake ra e Terii vaine